Aims of the Conference
Payap University is a private educational institution located in collaboration with the local Lanna community. We recognizes that research development is coupled with knowledge management through teaching and learning systems both in the classroom and outside. The classrooms are the fundamental of applying academic knowledge to the development of local communities based on the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and ready for changes occurring at the community, local, regional, national and international levels.
Payap University in collaboration with the Upper Northern Research Administration Network Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation see such importance Therefore, a national academic conference was organized to present research results. Payap University Collaborating with the Upper Northern Research Administration Network Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation 2025, No. 15 (The 15th Payap University and UNRN Research Symposium 2025) in online conference. This is a stage where the faculty plays an important role. Researchers and graduate students of both public and private higher education institutions including various research units Participated in presenting research results and disseminating academic works to the public and academic community. And being the part of spreading knowledge to the related various parts for adapting and coping with change. And develop potential in various fields to be ready for moving towards with the ASEAN Community.
Objective of the Conference
1. To encourage academics, faculty, researchers, students/graduate students. Both public and private higher education institutions and various research agencies present their research results and disseminate academic work to the public and academic community.
2. To provide opportunities for academics, faculty, researchers, and graduate students/students. Both public and private higher education institutions and various research agencies have exchanged knowledge and raised the quality of research results at the national level.
3. To promote and create academic cooperation in developing various sciences in the country.