Preparing a full research article (Full Paper) (Download)
1. Instructions for preparing the original research article using files template_research_articles
Prepare the manuscript using Microsoft Word 2007 or Microsoft Word 2003 or MicrosoftWord 2010 and save it in the .docx or .doc file format.
Research articles must be prepared in Thai or English with a length not exceeding 12 A4 pages. Print vertically (portrait) and set the page (page setup) 1.0 inches (2.54 cm) from the top edge of the paper. .)Bottom margin 1.0 inches (2.54 cm), Left margin 1.0 inches (2.54 cm), Right margin 0.76 inches (1.93 cm), and line spacing. One line of computer
Font style uses TH SarabunNew, details as follows.
Title: Thai followed by English. Use bold font size 16 and place it in the middle of the page.
Name of first author , Name of main author (Corresponding author) and co-authors (if any): Specify name and surname. Both Thai and English Use 14 bold letters and place it in the middle of the page (please insert * at the end of your last name. of the main author (Corresponding author) and print Footnote only on page 1, specifying affiliation/unit information. of all authors and e-mail. If you are a student, specify the course and educational institution. Using normal 12-character letters, arranged in a left-aligned position.
Main topic name Use a bold font size of 16 and place it in a left-aligned position. Subtopic title Use font size 14, bold.
Content: Use normal 14-point font size. Print content on each topic. The first line should be indented 0.5 inches. From the second line, align left and right by setting the Thai distribution.
In the case of presentation of illustrations The images used must be sharp enough so that the reader can clearly see the details. and place the picture in the middle of the page. And every picture must have a clear number and name. (As an example) The word "image...." should be used in bold 14-character font. The image name should be in normal 14-character font and placed in the middle of the page.

Figure 1: Normal curve graph
Preparing the presentation schedule All tables must have a number and caption above the table. The table number should be in bold font size 14 and placed in a left-aligned position. For captions above tables, use normal 14-character font size for content. The table should be framed. (As an example) Data in the table And the description under the table uses normal 14-character font size.
Table 1 shows the number and percentage of demographic characteristics of the sample classified by occupation.
อาชีพ |
จำนวน(คน) |
ร้อยละ |
ธุรกิจส่วนตัว |
151 |
37.75 |
พนักงานบริษัท |
123 |
30.75 |
รับราชการ |
114 |
28.50 |
อื่น ๆ (แม่บ้าน 9 คน ว่างงาน 3 คน) |
12 |
3.00 |
รวม |
400 |
100.00 |
From Table 1 showing the number and percentage of demographic information, it was found that the sample group was classified according to occupation. It was found that consumers had occupations. personal business accounting for 37.75 percent, followed by company employees Accounted for 30.75 percent, government service accounted for 28.50 percent, and others (9 housewives, 3 unemployed) accounted for 3.00 percent.
Format of writing references in content and writing reference documents. Use the APA 7th edition citation system to organize Thai language entries. English and arranged alphabetically
Before submitting your research article file, delete any red italicized statements in the file. template_research_articles removed completely.
Note: Citations use the APA system. See examples at (Click to see an example)
2. Components of a full research article (Full Paper)
2.1 beginning part
Title: Thai followed by English.
Name of the first author (First author) Name of the main author (Corresponding author) and co-author (Co-author) (if any)
Abstracts in Thai and English (Abstract) should be no more than 250 words long.
Keywords: Specify both Thai and English. Place it next to the Thai and English abstracts, 3 - 5 words.
2.2 Content section
Background/importance of the problem/introduction
Research objectives
Research hypothesis (if any)
Research scope
literature review
Research Conceptual Framework
Research methods: includes population, sample and sample size. Sampling method Tools or equipment used in research Quality analysis of research tools Statistics used to analyze data
Research results
Discussion of results
Reference documents
Reference documents
Thesis writing manual. (N.D). Retrieved 9 June 2022, from
3. Research article in the field of linguistics (English Article) content includes:
3.1 Introduction
Title : Thai and English
Author and Co-author (if any) : Thai and English, full names, offcial name and affiliations of all authors, E-mail address and full postal addres of the corresponding author as footnotes.
Abstract : Thai and English : should not exceed than 250 words.
Keywords : Thai and English : 3 - 5 words.
3.2 Content
Background, and Introduction
Purposes of the Research
Literature Review
Research Methodology
Data Analysis
Research Results/Findings and Discussion
Conclusion, Contirbutions, and Suggestions/Recomendations
4. Full research results (Full Paper) that the presenter has revised according to the proposals of experts. Ready to present on the meeting day It will be published as Proceedings of the conference in Flash drive Proceedings format and on the website